As published in An Cosantóir in March, 2012
By Sgt Wayne Fitzgerald with photos Tom Lawlor (INA)
The Naval Association (INA) was established in 1962 and termed An Cumann Chabhlaigh. The Naval Association and its constitution was approved in May 1977 by the then Minister of Defence, Mr Oliver J. Flanagan, T.D. Membership of the Association is restricted to serving and retired Officers, NCOs and Ratings of the Naval Service, the Naval Service Reserve (formally An Slua Muirí) and the Marine Service (1939-1946) and the Maritime Inscription (1939-1947).
At a meeting held at the Stella Maris Seafarers Club, Dublin on 24th March 1992, an Executive Council was elected and the first branch of the association was formed and subsequently called the Leading Seaman Michael Quinn Branch after L/S Quinn DSM who in 1990 gave his young life (27) in an attempt to rescue 16 stranded Spanish Sailors from their stricken trawler Nuestra Senora de Gardtoza, (Our Lady of Gardtoza) on rocks off Bantry Bay.

Irish Naval Association General Secretary Declan Pendred parades INA Colours.
The aims of the Association are: To promote Social, Cultural, Educative and Sporting Activities; To establish a comprehensive listing of all ex members of the different sections of the Naval Services since 1939; To render Aid and Assistance, when necessary; To promote and further interests in matters appertaining to the sea; To maintain the sea faring traditions of the Irish Nation.

Irish Naval Association President Gerry Kennedy, laying a wreath at the Cenotaph memorial.
Active Branches of The Naval Association have been established in Dublin, Waterford and Limerick.
On Sept 11th 2011, The Irish Naval Association was invited to participate with the RNA at their Bi-Annual commemoration ceremony to the Cenotaph in London.
With over 360 Shipmates parading in Whitehall London with 62 Area and Branch standards and the National Standards of the Royal Naval Association (RNA), The Royal Marines Association (RMA), The Association of Wrens (WRNS) and the Irish Naval Association (INA).

Note the privileged position given to the association at the Cenotaph.
Prior to the ceremony in London, the INA spent the preceding evening with the RNA Birkenhead Branch, where a great evening was had by all, with a singing competition taking place between the two organisations, and according to the RNA:
“The Irish Association contingent led the singing but the drinking competition was declared a draw!”
INA National PRO Terry Cummins presented the chairman of the Birkenhead Branch with a framed embroidered INA Crest. The Irish Naval Association also wants to say a big thank you again to their Secretary Tony Cheyney and Becky and all the lads for a great evening…
For further info: The Naval Association, Cathal Brugha Barracks, Naval Service Reserve HQ, Rathmines, Dublin 6 – Ph: 01 2986614 – email: – Web: or contact Declan Pendred, National General Secretary – Ph: 087 6998724

Commodore Mark Mellett DSM (FOCNS) and Lt Malachi O’Gallagher (Retd.) INA after receiving the Christy King Asgard Award at the presentation of the NA Service Medal awarded by National President Gerry Kennedy Naval Association.
Read these stories and more in An Cosantóir (The Defender) The official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces –